My name is Kristina Gordon and I am a danish graphics designer and Illustrator who lives in Copenhagen, Denmark.
I have always been inspired by folklore, especially the Scandinavian tales. A lot of my characters are inspired by the old tales of the little creatures living in the corners of our eyes, and I was always intrigued by the idea of secret worlds coexisting next to ours. I have checked so many closets to see if there was a magical forest behind the winter coats!

I thought I should try and list some of the sources of inspiration I have, there are many so here are just a few. I grew up reading my mothers childhood Elsa Beskow books, I love her fine style of illustration, her delicate worlds. As a child I had the typical love/fear relationship with Mommins, everyone I know thought they where terrifying and yet fascinating. As a grownup I've fallen complete in love with the Hayao Miyazaki movies. And a walk by the ocean, next to the windswept pine trees or at Tegners Museum, always gets my mind racing.